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Calculates condition indexes and variance decomposition proportions in order to test for collinearity among the independent variables of a regression model and identifies the sources of collinearity if present.


colldiag(mod, scale = TRUE, center = FALSE, add.intercept = FALSE)

# S3 method for colldiag
print(x, dec.places = 3, fuzz = NULL, fuzzchar = ".", ...)


These functions were taken from the (now defunct) perturb package by John Hendrickx. He credits the Stata program coldiag by Joseph Harkness, Johns Hopkins University.



A model object, such as computed by lm or glm, or a data-frame to be used as predictors in such a model.


If FALSE, the data are left unscaled. If TRUE, the data are scaled, typically to mean 0 and variance 1 using scale. Default is TRUE.


If TRUE, data are centered. Default is FALSE.


if TRUE, an intercept is added. Default is FALSE.


A colldiag object


Number of decimal places to use when printing


Variance decomposition proportions less than fuzz are printed as fuzzchar


Character for small variance decomposition proportion values


arguments to be passed on to or from other methods (unused)


A "colldiag" object, containing:


A one-column matrix of condition indexes


A square matrix of variance decomposition proportions. The rows refer to the principal component dimensions, the columns to the predictor variables.

print.colldiag prints the condition indexes as the first column of a table with the variance decomposition proportions beside them. print.colldiag has a fuzz option to suppress printing of small numbers. If fuzz is used, small values are replaces by a period “.”. Fuzzchar can be used to specify an alternative character.


colldiag is an implementation of the regression collinearity diagnostic procedures found in Belsley, Kuh, and Welsch (1980). These procedures examine the “conditioning” of the matrix of independent variables.

It computes the condition indexes of the model matrix. If the largest condition index (the condition number) is large (Belsley et al suggest 30 or higher), then there may be collinearity problems. All large condition indexes may be worth investigating.

colldiag also provides further information that may help to identify the source of these problems, the variance decomposition proportions associated with each condition index. If a large condition index is associated two or more variables with large variance decomposition proportions, these variables may be causing collinearity problems. Belsley et al suggest that a large proportion is 50 percent or more.

Note that such collinearity diagnostics are often provided by other software for the model matrix including the constant term for the intercept (e.g., SAS PROC REG, with the option COLLIN). However, these are generally useless and misleading unless the intercept has some real interpretation and the origin of the regressors is contained within the prediction space, as explained by Fox (1997, p. 351). The default values for scale, center and add.intercept exclude the constant term, and correspond to the SAS option COLLINNOINT.


Missing data is silently omitted in these calculations


Belsley, D.A., Kuh, E. and Welsch, R. (1980). Regression Diagnostics, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Belsley, D.A. (1991). Conditioning diagnostics, collinearity and weak data in regression. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Fox, J. (1997). Applied Regression Analysis, Linear Models, and Related Methods. thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Friendly, M., & Kwan, E. (2009). Where’s Waldo: Visualizing Collinearity Diagnostics. The American Statistician, 63, 56–65.

See also

lm, scale, svd, [car]vif, [rms]vif


John Hendrickx


cars.mod <- lm (mpg ~ cylinder + engine + horse + weight + accel + year,
#>  cylinder    engine     horse    weight     accel      year 
#> 10.633049 19.641683  9.398043 10.731681  2.625581  1.244829 

# SAS PROC REG / COLLIN option, including the intercept
colldiag(cars.mod, add.intercept = TRUE)
#> Condition
#> Index	Variance Decomposition Proportions
#>           intercept cylinder engine horse weight accel year 
#> 1   1.000 0.000     0.000    0.000  0.000 0.000  0.000 0.000
#> 2   4.821 0.000     0.001    0.013  0.004 0.001  0.012 0.001
#> 3  16.620 0.003     0.023    0.065  0.270 0.006  0.078 0.003
#> 4  25.625 0.008     0.273    0.002  0.088 0.199  0.170 0.017
#> 5  36.384 0.007     0.548    0.914  0.001 0.271  0.021 0.013
#> 6  37.447 0.006     0.134    0.004  0.444 0.468  0.598 0.068
#> 7  91.281 0.976     0.020    0.002  0.191 0.055  0.122 0.898

# Default settings: scaled, not centered, no intercept, like SAS PROC REG / COLLINNOINT
#> Condition
#> Index	Variance Decomposition Proportions
#>           cylinder engine horse weight accel year 
#> 1   1.000 0.000    0.000  0.000 0.000  0.000 0.000
#> 2   4.757 0.001    0.013  0.005 0.000  0.023 0.007
#> 3  15.896 0.027    0.085  0.435 0.003  0.054 0.031
#> 4  24.742 0.379    0.004  0.036 0.229  0.157 0.168
#> 5  34.020 0.221    0.666  0.110 0.675  0.285 0.004
#> 6  35.464 0.372    0.230  0.414 0.093  0.480 0.790

(cd <- colldiag(cars.mod, center=TRUE))
#> Condition
#> Index	Variance Decomposition Proportions
#>           cylinder engine horse weight accel year 
#> 1   1.000 0.005    0.003  0.005 0.004  0.009 0.010
#> 2   2.252 0.004    0.002  0.000 0.007  0.022 0.787
#> 3   2.515 0.004    0.001  0.002 0.010  0.423 0.142
#> 4   5.660 0.309    0.014  0.306 0.087  0.063 0.005
#> 5   8.342 0.115    0.000  0.654 0.715  0.469 0.052
#> 6  10.818 0.563    0.981  0.032 0.176  0.013 0.004

# fuzz small values
print(cd, fuzz = 0.5)
#> Condition
#> Index	Variance Decomposition Proportions
#>           cylinder engine horse weight accel year 
#> 1   1.000  .        .      .     .      .     .   
#> 2   2.252  .        .      .     .      .    0.787
#> 3   2.515  .        .      .     .      .     .   
#> 4   5.660  .        .      .     .      .     .   
#> 5   8.342  .        .     0.654 0.715   .     .   
#> 6  10.818 0.563    0.981   .     .      .     .   

# Biomass data

biomass.mod <- lm (biomass ~ H2S + sal + Eh7 + pH + buf + P + K +
                             Ca + Mg + Na + Mn + Zn + Cu + NH4,
#>       H2S       sal       Eh7        pH       buf         P         K        Ca 
#>  3.027456  3.387615  1.977447 62.080846 34.431748  1.895804  7.367110 16.662146 
#>        Mg        Na        Mn        Zn        Cu       NH4 
#> 23.764229 10.351043  6.185628 11.626479  4.829203  8.376506 

cd <- colldiag(biomass.mod, center=TRUE)
# simplified display
print(colldiag(biomass.mod, center=TRUE), fuzz=.3)
#> Condition
#> Index	Variance Decomposition Proportions
#>            H2S sal Eh7   pH    buf   P     K  Ca    Mg    Na Mn    Zn    Cu   
#> 1    1.000  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 2    1.154  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 3    1.750  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 4    1.921  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 5    2.668  .   .   .     .     .    0.426  .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 6    3.136  .   .  0.360  .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 7    3.574  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 8    3.596  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 9    5.447  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 10   5.868  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .     .   
#> 11   7.529  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .    0.320  .   
#> 12  10.427  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .     .     .  .     .    0.426
#> 13  12.843  .   .   .     .     .     .     .  .    0.671  .  .    0.453  .   
#> 14  22.775  .   .   .    0.955 0.697  .     . 0.596  .     . 0.338  .     .   
#>    NH4
#> 1   . 
#> 2   . 
#> 3   . 
#> 4   . 
#> 5   . 
#> 6   . 
#> 7   . 
#> 8   . 
#> 9   . 
#> 10  . 
#> 11  . 
#> 12  . 
#> 13  . 
#> 14  . 

# None yet