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This is a convenience function to provide the capability to select items from a given word pool, with restrictions on the range of any numeric variables.


pickList(data, ranges, nitems = 10, nlists = 1, replace = FALSE)



A data.frame, typically a word list like Paivio or TWP


A data.frame of two rows, and with column names corresponding to a subset of the column names in data. The two rows give the minimum and maximum values, respectively, of variables in data. Alternatively, you can supply a named list containing the minimum and maximum values for one or more variables in data.


Number of items per list


Number of lists


A logical value, indicating whether the sampling of items (rows) of data is to allow sampling with replacement.


A data frame of the same shape as data containing the selected items prefixed by the list number.


sample will generate an error if fewer than nitems * nlists items are within the specified ranges and replace=FALSE.


A related word list generator: Friendly, M. Word list generator.

See also


Michael Friendly


# 2 lists, no selection on any variables
pickList(Paivio, nlists=2)
#>     list itmno        word imagery concreteness meaningfulness frequency syl
#> 523    1   523      letter    6.37         6.94           5.96       100   2
#> 261    1   261        doll    6.17         6.94           6.12        46   1
#> 695    1   695  procession    5.70         5.90           5.63        27   3
#> 200    1   200        corn    6.47         6.90           6.96        50   1
#> 231    1   231        deed    3.63         4.19           5.32        50   1
#> 875    1   875  underworld    4.37         4.43           5.76         5   3
#> 102    1   102     boredom    3.83         1.94           4.63         1   2
#> 234    1   234      deluge    4.57         4.38           5.32         2   2
#> 656    1   656     perjury    3.37         2.70           5.92         1   3
#> 90     1    90  blacksmith    6.17         6.83           7.44        19   2
#> 836    2   836    temerity    2.33         2.19           2.04         1   4
#> 164    2   164    citation    3.57         4.42           5.06         1   3
#> 541    2   541    macaroni    6.47         7.00           6.00         2   4
#> 747    2   747      saloon    6.43         6.70           7.12        12   2
#> 91     2    91   blandness    2.83         2.03           3.84         0   2
#> 518    2   518 legislation    3.33         4.00           5.92        23   4
#> 441    2   441   hurricane    6.33         6.52           7.04         7   3
#> 787    2   787       slush    6.27         6.65           6.80         1   1
#> 423    2   423     history    3.47         3.03           6.91       100   3
#> 84     2    84  belongings    5.10         5.85           5.38         6   3
#>     letters freerecall
#> 523       6      0.625
#> 261       4      0.625
#> 695      10      0.344
#> 200       4      0.594
#> 231       4      0.313
#> 875      10      0.500
#> 102       7      0.594
#> 234       6      0.313
#> 656       7      0.531
#> 90       10      0.344
#> 836       8      0.344
#> 164       8      0.281
#> 541       8      0.406
#> 747       6      0.406
#> 91        9      0.344
#> 518      11      0.281
#> 441       9      0.219
#> 787       5      0.469
#> 423       7      0.438
#> 84       10      0.219

# Define ranges for low and high on imagery, concreteness, meaningfulness
# These go from low - median, and median-high on each variable
vars <- 3:5
(low <-[,vars], 2, fivenum))[c(1,3),])
#>   imagery concreteness meaningfulness
#> 1    1.63         1.18           1.92
#> 3    5.17         5.72           5.92
(high <-[,vars], 2, fivenum))[c(3,5),])
#>   imagery concreteness meaningfulness
#> 3    5.17         5.72           5.92
#> 5    6.90         7.70           9.22

# select two lists of 10 low/high imagery items
lowI <- pickList(Paivio, low[,"imagery", drop=FALSE], nitems=10, nl=2)
highI <- pickList(Paivio, high[,"imagery", drop=FALSE], nitems=10, nl=2)

# compare means
#>        imagery   concreteness meaningfulness      frequency            syl 
#>         4.2680         3.6085         5.4395        17.6000         2.8500 
#>        imagery   concreteness meaningfulness      frequency            syl 
#>         6.0630         6.1220         6.4545        46.3000         1.7500 

# using a list of ranges
L <- list(imagery=c(1,5), concreteness=c(1,4))
pickList(Paivio, L)
#>     list itmno        word imagery concreteness meaningfulness frequency syl
#> 359    1   359 functionary    1.77         2.62           4.29         1   4
#> 214    1   214       crime    4.43         3.81           6.84        50   1
#> 267    1   267       drama    4.90         3.66           7.00        23   2
#> 764    1   764     session    3.67         3.62           5.40        19   2
#> 59     1    59    attitude    2.77         1.83           5.60        50   3
#> 535    1   535   loquacity    3.40         3.11           3.92         0   4
#> 841    1   841      theory    2.57         1.90           5.88        50   2
#> 771    1   771       shock    4.67         3.97           6.20        50   1
#> 442    1   442  hypothesis    2.40         2.25           5.36         4   4
#> 880    1   880      upkeep    3.07         2.50           4.76         2   2
#>     letters freerecall
#> 359      11      0.125
#> 214       5      0.406
#> 267       5      0.188
#> 764       7      0.406
#> 59        8      0.188
#> 535       9      0.375
#> 841       6      0.250
#> 771       5      0.406
#> 442      10      0.406
#> 880       6      0.281