Creating, updating & maintaining the statquotes data base
Primary format for quotes file
The quotes are stored in the data-raw/quotes_raw.txt
file. The script data-raw/convert_quotes_to_rda.R
can be
used to read these quotes and save them to data/quotes.rda
which is the main data file used in the package.
The quotes_raw.txt
file uses the following format for
each quotation. Lines beginning with “%” are comments and ignored. Other
lines contain a “key:value” pair. The key is used to identify the right
column when building the quotes
% Comment
quo: This is a quotation.
src: Person or persons who said or wrote the quote.
cit: Citation for the original quote.
url: URL where the quote can be found (such as journal articles).
tag: Comma-separated tags to categorize the quote.
tex: TeX-formatted citation
Here is an example:
quo: A judicious man looks at Statistics, not to get knowledge, but to save himself from having ignorance foisted on him.
src: Thomas Carlyle
cit: Chartism, 1840, Chapter II, Statistics
url: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Chartism/Chapter_2
tag: data visualization
LaTeX format for quotes file
The statquotes
package originally arose from a LaTeX
file, that Michael Friendly used to collect interesting quotations
related to statistics, data visualization, history, software and other
topics. This was designed to be a collection that a person could search,
then copy/paste an appropriate one into a working LaTeX document. The
format of quotes was designed to use the LaTeX epigraph
\epigraph{You can see a lot, just by looking.}{Yogi Berra}
\epigraph{Every picture tells a story.}{Rod Stewart, 1971}
\epigraph{A picture is worth a thousand words.}{F. Barnard, 1927}
Each quote has some text
and a source
attribution, and so could be displayed in a document something like
You can see a lot, just by looking. — Yogi Berra
Some of the quotes have manually-added tags
to classify
the quotes into groups. As many tags as desired can be added to a