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twoway 0.6.4

  • added VermontPop data
  • added Rubber data

twoway 0.6.3

CRAN release: 2020-06-26

  • revised plot.twoway() to use and default to na.rm=FALSE
  • revised to use and default to na.rm=FALSE
  • revised meanfit() to use and default to na.rm=FALSE
  • revised twoway.default() to pass … (hence na.rm) to meanfit
  • added demo/ directory
  • added demo/example-na.r to illustrate use of na.rm
  • added demo/00Index
  • Turn on travis CI

twoway 0.6.2

CRAN release: 2018-08-24

  • revised twoway.default() to calculate various other quantities and include these in the “twoway” object [RMH]
  • revised plot.twoway() with separate functions for the “fit” and “diagnose” plots. [RMH]
  • added ladder_power() to find the nearest ladder of powers value
  • enhanced arguments for diagnostic plot: jitter, smooth, pch
  • added residuals.twoway() and fitted.twoway()
  • added warning, if anova.twoway() is invoked when the model is fit using row/col medians.
  • prepare for initial CRAN release.

twoway 0.6.1

  • added as.twoway() to give an initial display of a two-way table as a “twoway” object [RMH]
  • print.twoway() now displays the names(dimnames(x)) and the responseName when available [RMH].

twoway 0.6.0

  • Change some built-in data sets to matrices with proper names(dimnames); in matrix form, a "responseName" attribute is now partially supported in some functions.
  • Added to_long() and to_wide() to facilitate working either way [RMH]
  • twoway.formula() now uses to_wide() rather than tidyr constructs, resulting in a big speed-up
  • twoway.default() now calculates the slope for the diagnostic plot, including it in the object [Suggestion: RMH]
  • twoway.default() now prefers matrix inputs, allowing better labels for row/col/response variables, but not yet implemented throughout the various methods.

twoway 0.5.0

twoway 0.4.1

  • Modified the twoway plot method per suggestions of RMH (better axis labels)
  • plot.twoway(..., which="diagnose") gets an annotate= argument
  • print.twoway() gets a zapsmall= argument per RMH
  • Added insectCounts data
  • Revised anova.twoway() to be less redundant

twoway 0.4.0

twoway 0.3.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Added a method for twoway objects. This simpilifies graphical displays and other computations.
  • print.twoway() gets a border=2 option to print the result in a fancy table with horizontal and vertical separators [thx: Richard Heiberger]