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Calculates measures of precision based on the size of the estimated covariance matrices of the parameters and shrinkage of the parameters in a ridge regression model. function does. ~~

Three measures of (inverse) precision based on the “size” of the covariance matrix of the parameters are calculated. Let \(V_k\) be the covariance matrix for a given ridge constant, and let \(\lambda_i , i= 1, \dots p\) be its eigenvalues

  1. \(\log | V_k | = \log \prod \lambda\) or \(|V_k|^{1/p} =(\prod \lambda)^{1/p}\) measures the linearized volume of the covariance ellipsoid and corresponds conceptually to Wilks' Lambda criterion

  2. \( trace( V_k ) = \sum \lambda\) corresponds conceptually to Pillai's trace criterion

  3. \( \lambda_1 = max (\lambda)\) corresponds to Roy's largest root criterion.


precision(object,, normalize, ...)



An object of class ridge or lm

Function to be applied to the determinants of the covariance matrices, one of c("log","root").


If TRUE the length of the coefficient vector is normalized to a maximum of 1.0.


Other arguments (currently unused)


A data.frame with the following columns


The ridge constant


The equivalent effective degrees of freedom


The function of the determinant of the covariance matrix


The trace of the covariance matrix


Maximum eigen value of the covariance matrix


The root mean square of the estimated coefficients, possibly normalized


Models fit by lm and ridge use a different scaling for the predictors, so the results of precision for an lm model will not correspond to those for ridge with ridge constant = 0.

See also


Michael Friendly


longley.y <- longley[, "Employed"]
longley.X <- data.matrix(longley[, c(2:6,1)])

lambda <- c(0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08)
lridge <- ridge(longley.y, longley.X, lambda=lambda)
clr <- c("black", rainbow(length(lambda)-1, start=.6, end=.1))
#>              GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces  Population     Year GNP.deflator
#> 0.000 -3.4471925  -1.827886   -0.6962102 -0.34419721 8.431972   0.15737965
#> 0.005 -1.0424783  -1.491395   -0.6234680 -0.93558040 6.566532  -0.04175039
#> 0.010 -0.1797967  -1.361047   -0.5881396 -1.00316772 5.656287  -0.02612152
#> 0.020  0.4994945  -1.245137   -0.5476331 -0.86755299 4.626116   0.09766305
#> 0.040  0.9059471  -1.155229   -0.5039108 -0.52347060 3.576502   0.32123994
#> 0.080  1.0907048  -1.086421   -0.4582525 -0.08596324 2.641649   0.57025165

(pdat <- precision(lridge))
#>       lambda       df       det      trace    max.eig norm.beta
#> 0.000  0.000 6.000000 -12.92710 18.1189511 15.4191000 1.0000000
#> 0.005  0.005 5.415118 -14.41144  6.8209398  4.6064698 0.7406376
#> 0.010  0.010 5.135429 -15.41069  4.0422816  2.1806533 0.6365441
#> 0.020  0.020 4.818103 -16.82581  2.2180382  1.0254551 0.5282452
#> 0.040  0.040 4.477853 -18.69819  1.1647170  0.5807883 0.4232699
#> 0.080  0.080 4.127782 -21.05065  0.5873002  0.2599108 0.3372722
# plot log |Var(b)| vs. length(beta)
with(pdat, {
  plot(norm.beta, det, type="b", 
  cex.lab=1.25, pch=16, cex=1.5, col=clr, lwd=2,
  xlab='shrinkage: ||b|| / max(||b||)',
  ylab='variance: log |Var(b)|')
  text(norm.beta, det, lambda, cex=1.25, pos=c(rep(2,length(lambda)-1),4))
  text(min(norm.beta), max(det), "Variance vs. Shrinkage", cex=1.5, pos=4)

# plot trace[Var(b)] vs. length(beta)
with(pdat, {
  plot(norm.beta, trace, type="b",
  cex.lab=1.25, pch=16, cex=1.5, col=clr, lwd=2,
  xlab='shrinkage: ||b|| / max(||b||)',
  ylab='variance: trace [Var(b)]')
  text(norm.beta, trace, lambda, cex=1.25, pos=c(2, rep(4,length(lambda)-1)))
#  text(min(norm.beta), max(det), "Variance vs. Shrinkage", cex=1.5, pos=4)