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This collection of functions is designed to compute regression deletion diagnostics for multivariate linear models following Barrett & Ling (1992) that are close analogs of methods for univariate and generalized linear models handled by the influence.measures in the stats package.


# S3 method for mlm
influence(model, do.coef = TRUE, m = 1, ...)



An mlm object, as returned by lm


logical. Should the coefficients be returned in the inflmlm object?


Size of the subsets for deletion diagnostics


Other arguments passed to methods


influence.mlm returns an S3 object of class inflmlm, a list with the following components


Deletion subset size


Hat values, \(H_I\). If m=1, a vector of diagonal entries of the ‘hat’ matrix. Otherwise, a list of \(m \times m\) matrices corresponding to the subsets.


Residuals, \(Q_I\).


Cook's distance values


Leverage components


Residual components


Indices of the observations in the subsets of size m


Observation labels


Model call for the mlm object


Deletion regression coefficients-- included ifdo.coef=TRUE


In addition, the functions provide diagnostics for deletion of subsets of observations of size m>1.

influence.mlm is a simple wrapper for the computational function, mlm.influence designed to provide an S3 method for class "mlm" objects.

There are still infelicities in the methods for the m>1 case in the current implementation. In particular, for m>1, you must call influence.mlm directly, rather than using the S3 generic influence().


Barrett, B. E. and Ling, R. F. (1992). General Classes of Influence Measures for Multivariate Regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87(417), 184-191.


Michael Friendly


# Rohwer data
data(Rohwer, package="heplots")
Rohwer2 <- subset(Rohwer, subset=group==2)
rownames(Rohwer2)<- 1:nrow(Rohwer2)
Rohwer.mod <- lm(cbind(SAT, PPVT, Raven) ~ n+s+ns+na+ss, data=Rohwer2)

# m=1 diagnostics
influence(Rohwer.mod) |> head()
#> $m
#> [1] 1
#> $H
#>  [1] 0.1670 0.2185 0.1417 0.0731 0.5682 0.1543 0.0453 0.1766 0.0513 0.4516
#> [11] 0.1454 0.1705 0.1037 0.1265 0.3325 0.3318 0.1732 0.2635 0.2984 0.0788
#> [21] 0.1402 0.1938 0.0446 0.2064 0.1571 0.1533 0.3673 0.1119 0.3043 0.0866
#> [31] 0.0892 0.0732
#> $Q
#>  [1] 0.1529 0.0378 0.1207 0.0204 0.3439 0.0218 0.1288 0.1930 0.1817 0.0324
#> [11] 0.0725 0.1574 0.0949 0.2997 0.0105 0.0823 0.1925 0.0497 0.1340 0.1093
#> [21] 0.2495 0.0479 0.1572 0.0815 0.3820 0.0641 0.2128 0.0706 0.2295 0.1201
#> [31] 0.2524 0.1735
#> $CookD
#>  [1] 0.11067 0.03576 0.07411 0.00645 0.84672 0.01458 0.02530 0.14768 0.04040
#> [10] 0.06339 0.04568 0.11629 0.04267 0.16427 0.01519 0.11832 0.14448 0.05671
#> [19] 0.17321 0.03733 0.15164 0.04025 0.03036 0.07294 0.26008 0.04261 0.33866
#> [28] 0.03422 0.30260 0.04505 0.09758 0.05503
#> $L
#>  [1] 0.2005 0.2795 0.1651 0.0789 1.3160 0.1825 0.0475 0.2145 0.0541 0.8235
#> [11] 0.1702 0.2056 0.1158 0.1448 0.4981 0.4966 0.2095 0.3578 0.4252 0.0855
#> [21] 0.1631 0.2404 0.0466 0.2601 0.1864 0.1811 0.5804 0.1260 0.4373 0.0948
#> [31] 0.0980 0.0790
#> $R
#>  [1] 0.1836 0.0483 0.1406 0.0220 0.7964 0.0258 0.1349 0.2344 0.1915 0.0591
#> [11] 0.0848 0.1898 0.1059 0.3431 0.0158 0.1232 0.2328 0.0674 0.1909 0.1187
#> [21] 0.2902 0.0594 0.1646 0.1028 0.4532 0.0757 0.3363 0.0795 0.3299 0.1315
#> [31] 0.2771 0.1872

# try an m=2 case
## res2 <- influence.mlm(Rohwer.mod, m=2, do.coef=FALSE)
## res2.df <-
## head(res2.df)
## scatterplotMatrix(log(res2.df))

influencePlot(Rohwer.mod, id.n=4, type="cookd")

#>        H      Q  CookD     L      R
#> 5  0.568 0.3439 0.8467 1.316 0.7964
#> 10 0.452 0.0324 0.0634 0.824 0.0591
#> 14 0.126 0.2997 0.1643 0.145 0.3431
#> 15 0.332 0.0105 0.0152 0.498 0.0158
#> 25 0.157 0.3820 0.2601 0.186 0.4532
#> 27 0.367 0.2128 0.3387 0.580 0.3363
#> 29 0.304 0.2295 0.3026 0.437 0.3299

# Sake data
data(Sake, package="heplots")
Sake.mod <- lm(cbind(taste,smell) ~ ., data=Sake)
#> Multivariate influence statistics for model:
#>  lm(formula = cbind(taste, smell) ~ ., data = Sake) 
#>  m= 1 case deletion diagnostics 
#>         H      Q   CookD      L      R
#> 1  0.8116 0.5757 1.09033 4.3086 3.0564
#> 2  0.2975 0.0500 0.03472 0.4234 0.0712
#> 3  0.0897 0.0711 0.01490 0.0986 0.0782
#> 4  0.1581 0.1729 0.06379 0.1878 0.2054
#> 5  0.1954 0.4069 0.18550 0.2428 0.5057
#> 6  0.2772 0.0255 0.01652 0.3835 0.0353
#> 7  0.2294 0.2042 0.10928 0.2977 0.2649
#> 8  0.3536 0.0546 0.04506 0.5471 0.0845
#> 9  0.2128 0.2124 0.10548 0.2704 0.2698
#> 10 0.2559 0.0923 0.05510 0.3439 0.1240
#> 11 0.2768 0.2131 0.13763 0.3827 0.2947
#> 12 0.1756 0.0848 0.03474 0.2129 0.1029
#> 13 0.0926 0.1556 0.03364 0.1021 0.1715
#> 14 0.2033 0.0485 0.02301 0.2551 0.0609
#> 15 0.4379 0.0168 0.01717 0.7789 0.0299
#> 16 0.0932 0.0917 0.01995 0.1028 0.1012
#> 17 0.2638 0.0668 0.04109 0.3583 0.0907
#> 18 0.1969 0.0213 0.00978 0.2451 0.0265
#> 19 0.3102 0.0150 0.01088 0.4497 0.0218
#> 20 0.1747 0.1386 0.05651 0.2117 0.1679
#> 21 0.6017 0.2129 0.29893 1.5107 0.5346
#> 22 0.4220 0.1444 0.14223 0.7302 0.2499
#> 23 0.4737 0.1119 0.12364 0.9001 0.2125
#> 24 0.3005 0.1197 0.08395 0.4297 0.1712
#> 25 0.3250 0.4486 0.34018 0.4815 0.6646
#> 26 0.2875 0.1307 0.08767 0.4035 0.1834
#> 27 0.1421 0.0157 0.00519 0.1657 0.0182
#> 28 0.7408 0.0167 0.02889 2.8583 0.0645
#> 29 0.3058 0.1606 0.11458 0.4406 0.2313
#> 30 0.2946 0.1552 0.10670 0.4177 0.2200
influencePlot(Sake.mod, id.n=3, type="cookd")

#>        H      Q  CookD     L      R
#> 1  0.812 0.5757 1.0903 4.309 3.0564
#> 21 0.602 0.2129 0.2989 1.511 0.5346
#> 25 0.325 0.4486 0.3402 0.481 0.6646
#> 28 0.741 0.0167 0.0289 2.858 0.0645