Hospital Visits Data
Length of stay in hospital for 132 schizophrenic patients, classified by visiting patterns, originally from Wing (1962).
A 3 by 3 frequency table, with format: table [1:3, 1:3] 43 6 9 16 11 18 3 10 16 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ visit: chr [1:3] "Regular" "Infrequent" "Never" ..$ stay : chr [1:3] "2-9" "10-19" "20+"
Both table variables can be considered ordinal.
The variable visit
refers to visiting patterns recorded hospital.
The category labels are abbreviations of those given by Goodman (1983);
e.g., "Regular"
is short for “received visitors regularly or patient went home”.
The variable stay
refers to length of stay in hospital, in year groups.
Goodman, L. A. (1983) The analysis of dependence in cross-classifications having ordered categories, using log-linear models for frequencies and log-linear models for odds. Biometrics, 39, 149-160.
Wing, J. K. (1962). Institutionalism in Mental Hospitals, British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 1 (1), 38-51.