Shakespeare's Word Type Frequencies
This data set, from Efron and Thisted (1976),
gives the number of distinct words types (Freq
) of words
that appeared exactly once, twice, etc. up to 100 times (count
in the complete works of Shakespeare. In these works, Shakespeare
used 31,534 distinct words (types), comprising 884,647 words in total.
Efron & Thisted used this data to ask the question, "How many words did Shakespeare know?" Put another way, suppose another new corpus of works Shakespeare were discovered, also with 884,647 words. How many new word types would appear? The answer to the main question involves contemplating an infinite number of such new corpora.
A data frame with 100 observations on the following 2 variables.
the number of times a word type appeared in Shakespeare's written works
the number of different words (types) appearing with this count.
In addition to the words that appear 1:100
times, there are 846 words
that appear more than 100 times, not listed in this data set.