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This data set TV comprises a 5 x 11 x 3 contingency table based on audience viewing data from Neilsen Media Research for the week starting November 6, 1995.




A 5 x 11 x 3 array of cell frequencies with the following structure:

 int [1:5, 1:11, 1:3] 146 244 233 174 294 151 181 161 183 281 ...
 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
  ..$ Day    : chr [1:5] "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" ...
  ..$ Time   : chr [1:11] "8:00" "8:15" "8:30" "8:45" ...
  ..$ Network: chr [1:3] "ABC" "CBS" "NBC"


The original data, tv.dat, contains two additional networks: "Fox" and "Other", with small frequencies. These levels were removed in the current version. There is also a fourth factor, transition State transition (turn the television Off, Switch channels, or Persist in viewing the current channel). The TV data here includes only the Persist observations.


The original data, tv.dat, came from the initial implementation of mosaic displays in R by Jay Emerson (1998). Similar data had been used by Hartigan and Kleiner (1984) as an illustration.


Friendly, M. and Meyer, D. (2016). Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.

Emerson, John W. Mosaic Displays in S-PLUS: A General Implementation and a Case Study. Statistical Graphics and Computing Newsletter, 1998, 9(1), 17--23,

Hartigan, J. A. & Kleiner, B. A Mosaic of Television Ratings. The American Statistician, 1984, 38, 32-35.


#>                   Time 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30
#> Day       Network                                                               
#> Monday    ABC           146  151  156   83  325  350  386  340   352   280   278
#>           CBS           337  293  304  233  311  251  241  164   252   265   272
#>           NBC           263  219  236  140  226  235  239  246   279   263   283
#> Tuesday   ABC           244  181  231  205  385  283  345  192   329   351   364
#>           CBS           173  180  184  109  218  235  256  250   274   263   261
#>           NBC           315  254  280  241  370  214  195  111   188   190   210
#> Wednesday ABC           233  161  194  156  339  264  279  140   237   228   203
#>           CBS           158  126  207   59   98  103  122   86   109   105   110
#>           NBC           134  146  166   66  194  230  264  143   274   289   306
#> Thursday  ABC           174  183  197  181  187  198  211   86   110   122   117
#>           CBS           196  185  195  104  106  116  116   47   102    84    84
#>           NBC           515  463  472  477  590  473  446  349   649   705   747
#> Friday    ABC           294  281  305  239  278  246  245  138   246   232   233
#>           CBS           130  144  154   81  129  153  136  126   138   136   152
#>           NBC           195  220  248  160  172  164  169   85   183   198   204

# reduce number of levels of Time
TV.df <-
levels(TV.df$Time) <- rep(c("8:00-8:59", "9:00-9:59", "10:00-10:44"), 
                          c(4, 4, 3))

TV2 <- xtabs(Freq ~ Day + Time + Network, TV.df)

# re-label for mosaic display
levels(TV.df$Time) <- c("8", "9", "10")
# fit mode of joint independence, showing association of Network with Day*Time
mosaic(~ Day + Network + Time, 
  data = TV.df, 
  expected = ~ Day:Time + Network, 
  legend = FALSE)

# with doubledecker arrangement
mosaic(~ Day + Network + Time, 
  data = TV.df, 
  expected = ~ Day:Time + Network,
  split = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), 
  spacing = spacing_highlighting, 
  legend = FALSE)