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Yamaguchi (1987) presented this three-way frequency table, cross-classifying occupational categories of sons and fathers in the United States, United Kingdom and Japan. This data set has become a classic for models comparing two-way mobility tables across layers corresponding to countries, groups or time (e.g., Goodman and Hout, 1998; Xie, 1992).

The US data were derived from the 1973 OCG-II survey; those for the UK from the 1972 Oxford Social Mobility Survey; those for Japan came from the 1975 Social Stratification and Mobility survey. They pertain to men aged 20-64.




A frequency data frame with 75 observations on the following 4 variables. The total sample size is 28887.


a factor with levels UpNM LoNM UpM LoM Farm


a factor with levels UpNM LoNM UpM LoM Farm


a factor with levels US UK Japan


a numeric vector


Five status categories -- upper and lower nonmanuals (UpNM, LoNM), upper and lower manuals (UpM, LoM), and Farm) are used for both fathers' occupations and sons' occupations.

Upper nonmanuals are professionals, managers, and officials; lower nonmanuals are proprietors, sales workers, and clerical workers; upper manuals are skilled workers; lower manuals are semi-skilled and unskilled nonfarm workers; and farm workers are farmers and farm laborers.

Some of the models from Xie (1992), Table 1, are fit in demo(yamaguchi-xie).


Yamaguchi, K. (1987). Models for comparing mobility tables: toward parsimony and substance, American Sociological Review, vol. 52 (Aug.), 482-494, Table 1


Goodman, L. A. and Hout, M. (1998). Statistical Methods and Graphical Displays for Analyzing How the Association Between Two Qualitative Variables Differs Among Countries, Among Groups, Or Over Time: A Modified Regression-Type Approach. Sociological Methodology, 28 (1), 175-230.

Xie, Yu (1992). The log-multiplicative layer effect model for comparing mobility tables. American Sociological Review, 57 (June), 380-395.


# reproduce Table 1
structable(~ Father + Son + Country, Yamaguchi87)
#>                Son UpNM LoNM  UpM  LoM Farm
#> Father Country                             
#> UpNM   US          1275  364  274  272   17
#>        UK           474  129   87  124   11
#>        Japan        127  101   24   30   12
#> LoNM   US          1055  597  394  443   31
#>        UK           300  218  171  220    8
#>        Japan         86  207   64   61   13
#> UpM    US          1043  587 1045  951   47
#>        UK           438  254  669  703   16
#>        Japan         43   73  122   60   13
#> LoM    US          1159  791 1323 2046   52
#>        UK           601  388  932 1789   37
#>        Japan         35   51   62   66   11
#> Farm   US           666  496 1031 1632  646
#>        UK            76   56  125  295  191
#>        Japan        109  206  184  253  325
# create table form <- xtabs(Freq ~ Son + Father + Country, data=Yamaguchi87)

# define mosaic labeling_args for convenient reuse in 3-way displays
largs <- list(rot_labels=c(right=0), offset_varnames = c(right = 0.6), 
              offset_labels = c(right = 0.2),
              set_varnames = c(Son="Son's status", Father="Father's status") 

# Fit some models & display mosaics
# Mutual independence
yama.indep <- glm(Freq ~ Son + Father + Country, 
#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model: poisson, link: log
#> Response: Freq
#> Terms added sequentially (first to last)
#>         Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
#> NULL                       74      34313
#> Son      4   7034.4        70      27279
#> Father   4   3859.2        66      23419
#> Country  2  14231.1        64       9188

mosaic(yama.indep, ~Son+Father, main="[S][F] ignoring country")

mosaic(yama.indep, ~Country + Son + Father, condvars="Country",
       main='[S][F][C] Mutual independence') 

# no association between S and F given country ('perfect mobility')
# asserts same associations for all countries
yama.noRC <- glm(Freq ~ (Son + Father) * Country, 
#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model: poisson, link: log
#> Response: Freq
#> Terms added sequentially (first to last)
#>                Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
#> NULL                              74      34313
#> Son             4   7034.4        70      27279
#> Father          4   3859.2        66      23419
#> Country         2  14231.1        64       9188
#> Son:Country     8   1062.9        56       8125
#> Father:Country  8   2533.8        48       5592

mosaic(yama.noRC, ~~Country + Son + Father, condvars="Country", 
       main="[SC][FC] No [SF] (perfect mobility)")

# ignore diagonal cells
yama.quasi <- update(yama.noRC, ~ . + Diag(Son,Father):Country)
#> Analysis of Deviance Table
#> Model: poisson, link: log
#> Response: Freq
#> Terms added sequentially (first to last)
#>                           Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
#> NULL                                         74      34313
#> Son                        4   7034.4        70      27279
#> Father                     4   3859.2        66      23419
#> Country                    2  14231.1        64       9188
#> Son:Country                8   1062.9        56       8125
#> Father:Country             8   2533.8        48       5592
#> Country:Diag(Son, Father) 15   4255.3        33       1336

mosaic(yama.quasi, ~Son + Father, main="Quasi [S][F]")

## see also:
# demo(yamaguchi-xie)