3D Mosaic Plots
Produces a 3D mosaic plot for a contingency table (or a link[MASS]{loglm}
using the rgl-package
Generalizing the 2D mosaic plot, this begins with a given 3D shape (a unit cube), and successively sub-divides it along the X, Y, Z dimensions according to the table margins, generating a nested set of 3D tiles. The volume of the resulting tiles is therefore proportional to the frequency represented in the table cells. Residuals from a given loglinear model are then used to color or shade each of the tiles.
This is a developing implementation. The arguments and details are subject to change.
mosaic3d(x, ...)
# S3 method for class 'loglm'
type = c("observed", "expected"),
residuals_type = c("pearson", "deviance"),
# Default S3 method
x, expected = NULL,
residuals = NULL,
type = c("observed", "expected"),
residuals_type = NULL,
shape = rgl::cube3d(alpha = alpha),
alpha = 0.5,
spacing = 0.1,
split_dir = 1:3,
shading = shading_basic,
labeling_args = list(),
newpage = TRUE,
- x
model object. Alternatively, a multidimensionalarray
of frequencies in a contingency table. In the present implementation, the dimensions are taken in sequential order. Uselink[base]{aperm}
to change this.- expected
optionally, for contingency tables, an array of expected frequencies of the same dimension as
, or alternatively the corresponding loglinear model specification as used bylink[stats]{loglin}
for details).- residuals
optionally, an array of residuals of the same dimension as
(see details).- type
a character string indicating whether the
or the"expected"
frequencies in the table should be visualized by the volume of the 3D tiles.- residuals_type
a character string indicating the type of residuals to be computed when none are supplied. If residuals is
must be one of"pearson"
(default; giving components of Pearson's chi-squared),"deviance"
(giving components of the likelihood ratio chi-squared), or"FT"
for the Freeman-Tukey residuals. The value of this argument can be abbreviated.- shape
The initial 3D shape on which the mosaic is based. Typically this is a call to an rgl function, and must produce a
object. The default is a "unit cube" on (-1, +1), with transparency specified byalpha
.- alpha
Specifies the transparency of the 3D tiles used to compose the 3D mosaic.
- spacing
A number or vector giving the total amount of space used to separate the 3D tiles along each of the dimensions of the table. The values specified are re-cycled to the number of table dimensions.
- split_dir
A numeric vector composed of the integers
or a character vector composed ofc("x", "y", "z")
, wheresplit_dir[i]
specifies the axis along which the tiles should be split for dimensioni
of the table. The values specified are re-cycled to the number of table dimensions.- shading
A function, taking an array or vector of residuals for the given model, returning a vector of colors. At present, only the default
is provided. This is roughly equivalent to the use of theshade
argument inmosaicplot
or to the use ofgp=shading_Friendly
.- interpolate
a vector of interpolation values for the
function.- zero_size
The radius of a small sphere used to mark zero cells in the display.
- label_edge
A character vector composed of
c("-", "+")
indicating whether the labels for a given table dimension are to be written at the minima ("-"
) or maxima ("+"
) of the other dimensions in the plot. The default isrep( c('-', '+'), each=3, length=ndim)
, meaning that the first three table variables are labeled at the minima, and successive ones at the maxima.- labeling_args
This argument is intended to be used to specify details of the rendering of labels for the table dimensions, but at present has no effect.
- newpage
logical indicating whether a new page should be created for the plot or not.
- box
logical indicating whether a bounding box should be drawn around the plot.
- ...
Other arguments passed down to
or 3D functions.
Friendly (1995), Friendly [Sect. 4.5](2000) and Theus and Lauer (1999) have all used the idea of 3D mosaic displays to explain various aspects of loglinear models (the iterative proportional fitting algorithm, the structure of various models for 3-way and n-way tables, etc.), but no implementation of 3D mosaics was previously available.
For the default method,
residuals, used to color and shade the 3D tiles, can be passed explicitly,
or, more typically,
are computed as needed from observed and expected frequencies.
In this case, the expected frequencies are optionally computed for a specified
loglinear model given by the expected
For the loglm method, residuals and observed frequencies are calculated from the model
Invisibly, the list of shape3d
objects used to draw the 3D mosaic,
with names corresponding to the concatenation of the level labels, separated by ":".
Friendly, M. (1995). Conceptual and Visual Models for Categorical Data, The American Statistician, 49, 153-160.
Friendly, M. Visualizing Categorical Data, Cary NC: SAS Institute, 2000. Web materials: http://www.datavis.ca/books/vcd/.
Theus, M. & Lauer, S. R. W. (1999) Visualizing Loglinear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 8, 396-412.
# 2 x 2 x 2
mosaic3d(Bartlett, box=TRUE)
# compare with expected frequencies under model of mutual independence
mosaic3d(Bartlett, type="expected", box=TRUE)
# 2 x 2 x 3
mosaic3d(Heart, box=TRUE)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# 2 x 2 x 2 x 3
# illustrates a 4D table
# compare 2D and 3D mosaics
} # }