
Michael Friendly

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Michael Friendly is a Professor of Psychology, founding chair of the Graduate Program in Quantitative Methods, and Coordinator of the Statistical Consulting Service at York University. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association, associate editor of the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics and Statistical Science.

His main research areas are the development of graphical methods for categorical and multivariate data and also the history of data visualization. In the latter, he directs the Milestones Project, a comprehensive catalog and database of the principal developments in the histories of thematic cartography, statistical graphics and data visualization. He is the author of five other books, most recently, Discrete Data Analysis with R: Visualization and Modeling Techniques for Categorical and Count Data (2015).

Howard Wainer

HW photo Howard Wainer is the recipient of numerous awards and honors: He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and the American Educational Research Association. He is an author of over 20 books on statistical and graphic topics, including Visual Revelations: Graphical Tales of Fate and Deception From Napoleon Bonaparte To Ross Perot (2000), Picturing the Uncertain World: How to Understand, Communicate and Control Uncertainty through Graphical Display (2009), and Truth or Truthiness: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction by Learning to Think like a Data Scientist (2016).

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friendly AT yorku DOT ca

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