Visualizing Generalized Canonical Discriminant and Canonical Correlation Analysis
This package includes functions for computing and visualizing generalized canonical discriminant analyses and canonical correlation analysis for a multivariate linear model. The goal is to provide ways of visualizing such models in a low-dimensional space corresponding to dimensions (linear combinations of the response variables) of maximal relationship to the predictor variables.
Traditional canonical discriminant analysis is restricted to a one-way
MANOVA design and is equivalent to canonical correlation analysis between a
set of quantitative response variables and a set of dummy variables coded
from the factor variable. The candisc
package generalizes this to
multi-way MANOVA designs for all terms in a multivariate linear model (i.e.,
an mlm
object), computing canonical scores and vectors for each term
(giving a candiscList
The graphic functions are designed to provide low-rank (1D, 2D, 3D)
visualizations of terms in a mlm
via the plot.candisc
method, and the HE plot heplot.candisc
methods. For mlm
s with more than a few
response variables, these methods often provide a much simpler
interpretation of the nature of effects in canonical space than heplots for
pairs of responses or an HE plot matrix of all responses in variable space.
Analogously, a multivariate linear (regression) model with quantitative
predictors can also be represented in a reduced-rank space by means of a
canonical correlation transformation of the Y and X variables to
uncorrelated canonical variates, Ycan and Xcan. Computation for this
analysis is provided by cancor
and related methods.
Visualization of these results in canonical space are provided by the
, heplot.cancor
These relations among response variables in linear models can also be useful
for “effect ordering” (Friendly & Kwan (2003) for variables in
other multivariate data displays to make the displayed relationships more
coherent. The function varOrder
implements a collection of
these methods.
A new vignette, vignette("diabetes", package="candisc")
, illustrates
some of these methods. A more comprehensive collection of examples is
contained in the vignette for the heplots package,
vignette("HE-examples", package="heplots")
The organization of functions in this package and the heplots package may change in a later version.
Friendly, M. (2007). HE plots for Multivariate General Linear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 16(2) 421--444. http://datavis.ca/papers/jcgs-heplots.pdf, doi:10.1198/106186007X208407 .
Friendly, M. & Kwan, E. (2003). Effect Ordering for Data Displays, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 43, 509-539. doi:10.1016/S0167-9473(02)00290-6
Friendly, M. & Sigal, M. (2014). Recent Advances in Visualizing Multivariate Linear Models. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica , 37(2), 261-283. doi:10.15446/rce.v37n2spe.47934 .
Friendly, M. & Sigal, M. (2017). Graphical Methods for Multivariate Linear Models in Psychological Research: An R Tutorial, The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 13 (1), 20-45. doi:10.20982/tqmp.13.1.p020 .
Gittins, R. (1985). Canonical Analysis: A Review with Applications in Ecology, Berlin: Springer.