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Version 1.7.1 (2024-05-03)

  • Extended the “datasets” vignette with further description of how this was done.

Version 1.7.0 (2024-05-01)

CRAN release: 2024-05-02

This is a semi-major release, primarily documenting all datasets in the package with @concept tags. It also adds new datasets and fixes bugs and documentation errors since the last CRAN release (v 1.6.2)

  • Added a new example (AddHealth data) to the HE_manova vignette
  • Added Overdose data, a simple MMRA example.
  • All datasets now classified by @concept tags in documentation, giving the primary methods (“MANOVA”, “MMRA”, “repeated”, …) that they illustrate. These supplement @keyword tags and appear in the index of the package documentation.
  • A new vignette (datasets) lists the datasets in the package, classified by these @concept tags.

Version 1.6.3 (2024-03-05)

  • Correct documentation error in cqplot()
  • cqplot() now returns DSQ values for identified points
  • Fixed small buglet re: labeling of hypothesis ellipses in heplot()

Version 1.6.2 (2024-02-14)

CRAN release: 2024-02-15

Version 1.6.1 (2023-12-05)

  • add warning to label.ellipse() if length(label.pos) > 1
  • fixed label.pos in coefplot.mlm()
  • add ellipse.axes() to draw axes of a covariance ellipse
  • add to draw conjugate axes of a covariance ellipse

Version 1.6.0 (2023-08-30)

CRAN release: 2023-09-05

  • converted pkg to roxygen documentation
  • now Suggests: car rather than Depends:
  • fix CITATION authors

Version 1.5.0 (2023-05-30)

Version 1.4-3 (2023-01-02)

  • replace rgl.pop() with pop3D (PR #7); thx: D. Murdoch

Version 1.4-2 (2022-10-09)

CRAN release: 2022-10-19


Version 1.4-1 (2022-10-01)

CRAN release: 2022-10-01

Version 1.4-0 (2022-09-26)

  • Added Iwasaki_Big_Five data [Thx: James Grice]
  • Added cex.label arg to heplot3d()
  • Convert old Rnw vignettes to Rmd
  • Fix documentation infelicities
  • Added TIPI data
  • Added glance.mlm() as an extension of broom::glance.lm()

Version 1.3-9 (2021-10-06)

CRAN release: 2021-10-06

  • Fix potential problem with URL links to JSS articles, now converted to DOIs

Version 1.3-8

CRAN release: 2021-01-21

  • fix CRAN nit re rgl in examples

Version 1.3-7

CRAN release: 2020-10-28

  • Fix rendering of 3D heplots [Thx: Duncan Murdoch]
  • Fix URLs

Version 1.3-6 (2019-03-26)

  • add mathscore data
  • fix bug in etasq.lm() per #1 [thx: Phil Chalmers]
  • bump pkg version
  • remove Suggests: FRB

Version 1.3-5 (2018-04-02)

CRAN release: 2018-04-03

  • fix references to car datasets -> carData
  • fix error resulting from car 3.0 changes
  • bump pkg version

Version 1.3-4 (2016-11-7)

CRAN release: 2017-09-15

  • Added Diabetes data, a nice example of heterogeneity of covariances

Version 1.3-3 (2016-10-21)

CRAN release: 2016-10-21

  • Added Parenting data, a simple one-way MANOVA design (used in TQMP paper)
  • Prepare for CRAN release

Version 1.3-1 (2016-06-10)

CRAN release: 2016-06-14

  • added plot.robmlm(), a plot method for “robmlm” objects. Currently, it plots the weights given to observations in the last iteration as an index plot.
  • Re-built vignettes

Version 1.3-0 (2016-06-03)

CRAN release: 2016-06-04

  • In cqplot, pch, col, and cex can now be vectors
  • Bump version, prepare for release

Version 1.2-1 (2016-05-19)

  • in coefplot.mlm(), now pass label.pos to label.ellipse()
  • added Mahalanobis() for classical and robust squared distances; handles missing data gracefully and provides a confidence envelope
  • added SocialCog data [Thx: Leah Hartman]
  • added cqplot() of Mahalanobis distances as a plot method for an mlm and for multivariate data

Version 1.2-0 (2016-04-27)

CRAN release: 2016-05-19

  • covEllipses() extended to more than two variables, giving a scatterplot matrix plot
  • plot.boxM() now can plot other measures of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrices, useful for understanding the properties of the test.
  • added bartlettTests() for a collection of univariate Bartlett tests
  • added leveneTests() for a collection of univariate Levene tests
  • added NeuroCog data, a simple one-way MANOVA [Thx: Leah Hartman]
  • label.ellipse() now uses a much more flexible label.pos argument for positioning the text labels used in heplot() and friends.

Version 1.1-0 (2016-03-03)

CRAN release: 2016-03-26

  • Added boXM from biotools
  • Fleshed out boxM() with formula, lm, plot and summary methods
  • added plot.boxM() method
  • Added covEllipses() methods for plotting (possibly robust) covariance ellipses
  • Added colDevs() as a utility and for use in other multivariate tests.
  • Added data(AddHealth), a simple example of a one-way MANOVA with nice views [thx: Russell Warne]
  • summary.boxM() now returns the calculated statistics and can be used to construct other kinds of plots.
  • plot.boxM() gets a gplabel argument to provide a label for the group factor
  • pairs.mlm() gets a var.cex argument to control size of variable labels
  • Added logdetCI() for confidence intervals on log determinants of covariance matrices (experimental)
  • Now use logdetCI() in plot.boxM()

Version 1.0-16 (2015-07-11)

CRAN release: 2015-07-13

  • use importsFrom for base packages

Version 1.0-15 (2015-04-15)

CRAN release: 2015-04-18

  • Fix require -> requireNamespace

Version 1.0-14 (2015-02-15)

  • Updated broken urls in documentation
  • Removed vcov.mlm from exports to conform to CRAN policies
  • Now use rgl:: for rgl functions in *3d.R
  • Removed robmlm.default, robmlm.formula from exports
  • Imports: rgl

Version 1.0-12 (2014-05-15)

CRAN release: 2014-07-02

  • Removed Authors: to satisfy CRAN nits
  • Fixed doc for Hernior.Rd
  • Now importsFrom(MASS) rather than Depends:

Version 1.0-11 (2013-08-20)

CRAN release: 2013-08-21

  • Cosmetic changes to pass CRAN checks
  • For R 3.1.0, revised vcov.mlm() to avoid calling summary.mlm() directly
  • fixed long lines in .Rd files for R 3.0.1 checks
  • removed require() calls for MASS & car (Depends:)
  • removed ::: calls to car and stats

Version 1.0-10 (2013-06-03)

  • Added demo/HE-other.R, exploring other representations of HE plots

Version 1.0-9 (2013-04-19)

  • Added Pottery2 data, extending car::Pottery
  • Fixed heplot3d to minimize striated rendering of ellipsoids, and also modified default colors and fill.alpha

Version 1.0-8 (2013-02-22)

CRAN release: 2013-04-11

  • In heplot.mlm(), added … to label.ellipse to be able to pass cex=
  • Added NLSY data with examples of testing linearHypotheses
  • In heplot3d(), rgl.* functions replaced with *3d() equivalents
  • Extended gsorth description and examples

Version 1.0-7 (2013-02-07)

CRAN release: 2013-02-08

  • Made some heplot3d() examples to reduce example execution time to satisfy CRAN nits

Version 1.0-6 (2013-01-14)

  • Added label.ellipse() as a more general exported function.
  • heplot() gets a label.pos= argument allowing more flexible labeling, with the label position to be specified (bottom, left, top, right or center)
  • Added coefplot S3 generic and a coefplot.mlm method to plot ellipses for mlm coefficients. This generalizes car::confidenceEllipse to the mlm setting.

Version 1.0-4 (2012-12-29)

  • Added interpPlot for plotting interpolations between two data sets, with data ellipses, etc. Main use for this is in animated demos of multivariate statistical concepts.
  • interpPlot gains add=, points= and col= arguments for greater control of graphical parameters.

Version 1.0-2 (2012-12-05)

CRAN release: 2012-12-17

  • Added Schooldata and further example of comparison of mlm with robmlm()

Version 1.0-1 (2012-10-18)

  • Added simple robmlm methods for robust MLMss with print and summary methods and a vcov.mlm method. This allows heplot() and related methods to show robust HE plots.

Version 1.0-0 (2012-6-3)

CRAN release: 2012-08-08

  • Added Olso data
  • Corrected error in demo/OBK.R

Version 0.9-13 (2012-5-18)

  • Extended HE-examples vignette with example based on SocGrades data

Version 0.9-12 (2012-04-03)

CRAN release: 2012-05-17

  • Added Skulls data
  • Extended HE-examples vignette with example based on Skulls data
  • Changed the default colors for heplot() and heplot1d() to allow global setting of options(“heplot.colors”); similarly, heplot3d() now allows a global option for colors, options(“heplot3d.colors”), differing only in using pink for error ellipsoid.
  • Extended Hernior.Rd examples to show 1D plots in canonical space; added a discussion of this example to HE-examples vignette.
  • Extended SocGrades.Rd examples to show plots in canonical space.

Version 0.9-11 (2012-01-12)

CRAN release: 2012-02-12

  • Added Probe1, Probe2 data sets– repeated measures design
  • Added Sake data

Version 0.9-10 (2011-09-12)

CRAN release: 2011-10-17

  • Fixed in DESCRIPTION for R 2.14.x
  • Added var.labels argument to pairs.mlm
  • gsorth.R: Made sd() a local function to avoid deprecated warnings

Version 0.9-9 (2011-06-10)

  • Added data(Hernior), another MMRA, cancorr example data set
  • Added data(SocGrades), another MANOVA, MMRA, cancorr example data set
  • Corrected buglet with fill.alpha in heplot

Version 0.9-8 (2011-04-8)

CRAN release: 2011-05-21

  • Added an MMRA example to HE-examples vignette
  • Added err.label argument to heplot and heplot3d to allow changing the label for the error ellipsoid

Version 0.9-7 (2010-11-4)

o Added trans.colors() to make colors transparent o Modifications to heplot() for filled ellipses: added fill= and fill.alpha= arguments; replaced lines() with polygon() for H and E ellipses; calculate H.rank to distinguish degenerate ellipses o added last() to utility.R o Modified some examples to show fill=TRUE and use wire=FALSE in heplot3d() o Modified pairs.mlm() to pass fill= and fill.alpha= to heplot() o Updated reference URLs to point to o Fixed buglet in gsorth when matrix has no row/col names [Thx: ] o Fixed buglet in etasq.lm with partial=FALSE [Thx: ]

Version 0.9-6 (2010-11-2) o added CITATION to JSS article and references to .Rd files o modified repeated vignette to [nojss]

Version 0.9-5 (2010-10-01) o Added repeated vignette

Version 0.9-4 (2010-07-29) o Minor documentation changes o Added etasq.lm() method o Added data/MockJury - 1-way and 2-way MANOVA, step-down tests, ANCOVA o Generalized termMeans() and exported it o Added HE-examples vignette

Version 0.9-3 (2010-07-27) o Added gsorth() for Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of a matrix or data frame, preserving column means and standard deviations o Avoid Deprecated warnings (linear.hypothesis) with car2 o Fixed documentation warnings with car2 (linear.hypothesis, data.ellipse)

Version 0.9-2 (2010-02-12) o Added demo/Big5.R - Analysis of scores on the ‘Big 5’ personality traits for three groups o fixed buglet with text3d causing rgl to crash (thx: Duncan Murdoch) o switched inst/CHANGES to NEWS o Added data/RatWeight and examples - repeated measures on Weight Gain in Rats o Added data/Headache and examples - repeated measures on treatment for headaches o Fixed buglets in heplot, heplot1d, heplot3d regarding number of variables o Added etasq.mlm methods for multivariate measures of association (^2) o Return ellipse radius from heplot, heplot3d

Version 0.9-1 (2010-01-1)

o heplot.mlm, pairs.mlm, heplot3d.mlm now work for repeated measure designs with only covariates on the rhs. o Implemented heplot1d() for repeated measures designs (untested) o Revised documentation for repeated measures o Added center.cex to heplot.mlm() o Revised mark.H0() to handle 3D plots also o Added Adoption data – MMreg with repeated measures o Added ReactTime data – 2 within-S, no between-S factors o Fixed bug with icontrasts o Added markH0 argument to heplot o Added label argument to mark.H0() o Added arrow3d() o Fixed buglet in pairs.mlm (type)

Version 0.9-0 (2009-12-25)

o Implemented 2D HE plots in heplot.mlm for repeated measures designs by adding idata=, idesign=, icontrasts= arguments.
o imatrix= argument for doubly-multivariate designs implemented, but depends on car 2.0+ o Updated example(OBK) o Updated example(WeightLoss) o Implemented 3D HE plots in heplot3d.mlm for repeated measures designs (OK) o Implemented pairs() for repeated measures designs (OK)

Version 0.8-11 (2009-12-08)

CRAN release: 2009-12-23

o Minor fixes to heplot1d o Added contrasts example to RootStock.Rd o Added WeightLoss data – doubly multivariate o Added mark.H0

Version 0.8-10 (2009-10-10)

CRAN release: 2009-10-13

o Fixes to cross-references in .Rd files.

Version 0.8-9 (2009-06-19)

CRAN release: 2009-07-23

o Added data(RootStock) o heplot.mlm, heplot3d.mlm now include center in the returned object

Version 0.8-8 (2009-06-04)

o Added data(FootHead) o Extended example(FootHead)

Version 0.8-7 (2009-04-17) o Initial version of heplot1d o Added data(Bees), demo(bees.contrasts) o Now suggest: effects package

Version 0.8-6 (2009-04-11)

CRAN release: 2009-04-19

o Added VocabGrowth data, with an example of heplot() for a repeated measures design o Fixed label.ellipse in heplot.mlm.R to center the label horizontally o Added demo(OBK) o Added axes= to heplot.mlm to fix warnings arising from axes=FALSE in pairs.mlm

Version 0.8-5 (2009-01-26)

CRAN release: 2009-04-03

o Minor documentation changes for Rdoc 2 o Michael Friendly as maintainer

Version 0.8-4 (2008-11-17)

CRAN release: 2008-11-18

o Documentation additions o added CITATION file

Version 0.8-3 (2008-11-6)

  • Changes to heplot3d.mlm: o added xlim, ylim, zlim arguments

Version 0.8-2 (2008-10-22)

  • Package changes o added suggests: candisc o added utility.R, cross3d.R

  • Changes to heplot.mlm: o moved lambda.crit to utility.R o added he.rep to handle common task of repeating HE argument values

  • Changes to heplot3d.mlm: o added shade=, shade.alpha=, wire= parameters o fixed: grand.mean=FALSE not respected o replaced sphere at grand.mean with cross3d() o color means according to the color of the term o return bounding boxes of the ellipsoids o replaced rgl.texts with texts3d

  • Changes to utility.R: o Generalized lambda.crit to provide Roy.crit and HLT.crit; only Roy.crit is used

Version 0.8-1 (2007-05-23)

CRAN release: 2008-11-03

o heplot now passes … not only to plot() but to calls to text() and points().

Version 0.8-0 (2007-01-31)

CRAN release: 2007-01-31

  • Initial version released to CRAN.