This page exists only to recognize the contributions of past students in this course and to serve as examples and guidance for current students.

All materials linked on this page are the intellectual property of the students in this course. They may not be reproduced or used in any other manner without express permission of the student involved. Don’t even think about it.

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Class project presentations


Class presentations

Each student will give a brief presentation on a topic of research, application, or software related to data visualization, as described on the About page. The best paper will be given the Jim Rankin Award.

Here is the 6135 Presentations 2019 signup sheet.


The items below remain here only to provide some examples of the topics chosen by former students and how they approached them.

Class presentations

See the 6135 Presentations spreatsheet

2018 Video presentations


Copyright © 2018 Michael Friendly. All rights reserved. || lastModified :

friendly AT yorku DOT ca

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